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diy flower teacups

aren't they the cutest little flower teacups? i saw this cute and easy idea in a magazine and thought these would be perfect for my house.

-pick a plant or flower of your choice ( i went with a bigger plant, to ensure you have enough soil for your cup)
-choose a fun teacup or coffee mug 
-place your flower in your cup and use the excess soil to fill to the top of the cup
-water it and display it in a good area where there is sunlight

i placed the blue and white cup in my sunroom and the polka dot cup is now on display on my window seal of my craft room.

such a fun and easy project! these would be perfect for a tea party, luncheon, baby shower, anything really!
enjoy! :)


  1. oh my goodness, these turned out so cute. I love it. Fabulous post, love. If you get a sec, I'd love to hear your thoughts on my latest. xx

    Fash Boulevard

    1. Thanks so much for taking a look at my blog :) I appreciate it and I'm so glad you like the flower tea cups!! I will be sure to check yours out as well!!

